A genre is how a film is categorising , this allows the audience to know what to expect in the film they have gone to see. If they go to see Happy feet it should be a family viewing and in the adventure genre.
The advantages of genre are it can reassure the audience in a unreasonable world. In the real world the Evil sometimes prevail over the Good. In the movies however this is not the case and almost all the time the good beats the evil and has a happy ending.
Genre offers a set of recognisable conventions such as a language. This is needed so that the audience know what to expect from the genre of film they are watching. This means if they go to watch a horror film they expect to see the conventions of this genre. For example fear,gore, and characters these help us to identify the genre.
An advantage for film producers is genre allows them to know if the film will fail or be a big success. They know certain people like certain genres so they know they can make the film a massive success. it is a strategy so that the audience can see if the film interests them enough to watch it.
Genre constantly changes , this is an advantage because it always allows the audience to watch the style of film they like but still experience a different format and style of acting and still be entertained.
The disadvantages of genre are we should be understanding how a film text functions in relation to genre, rather then being defined by them
We should acknowledge that a genre features will depend on the audiences own understanding. It relys on the audience understanding the genre and its conventions.
My chosen genre is action thriller as this is also the genre our film opening is.
During the 1920s and 1930s, action-based films were often "swashbuckling" adventure films in which Douglas Fairbanks wielded swords in period pieces or westerns.
The 1940s and 1950s saw "action" in the form of war and cowboy movies. Alfred Hitchcock almost single-handedly ushered in the spy-adventure genre, also firmly establishing the use of action-oriented "set pieces" like the famous crop-duster scene and the Mount Rushmore finale in "North by Northwest". That film, along with a war-adventure called "The Guns of Navaronne" directly inspired producers Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman to invest in their own spy-adventure based on the novels of Ian Fleming.
The long-running success of the James Bond series (which easily dominated the 1960s) essentially introduced all the staples of the modern-day action film. The "Bond movies" were characterized by larger-than-life characters, such as the resourceful hero: a veritable "one-man army" who was able to dispatch villainous masterminds (and their disposable "henchmen") in ever-more creative ways, often followed by a ready one-liner. The Bond films also utilized quick cutting, car chases, fist fights, a variety of weapons and "gadgets", and ever more elaborate action sequences.
Quentin tarantino is a top action director his major titles are Pulp fiction, Inglorious Basterds, Kill bill and death proof. Born March 27, 1963 (1963-03-27)(age 48)
Michael Bay is known for his over the top Massive budget film. His honours include Transformers, the Texas chainsaw massacre,pearl harbour and Armageddon. Born February 17 1965 in Los Angeles California
The Negotiator
The negotiator is a similar film to our own the genre is an action thriller. The camera angles vary throughout the film and a fast pace to make the audience feel on edge. This film perfectly demonstrated the thriller genre with its complicated plot full of twists to continually leave the audience guessing. The Character Samuel Jackson plays frames the main character by lying that he killed a police officer in cold blood. This makes the audience feel that he is a murderer and no remorse should be shown. The director used all of his production skills in order for the film to work and continually confuse the audience and separate whether to believe he is innocent or not. He used the main conventions of action and thriller with the explosions shootouts and the violence. Then the thrillers theme of twists in the plot and constant suspense throughout the film.
The main theme is a man going to the extremes to clear his name and prove his innocence. He must make his family ,the government and everyone around him believe he is not responsible for the murder of the government official.
The distinctive main character is an average going guy with a normal day job as a car factory worker. He has a loving family with a wife and two kids. His life then turns upside down when he loses everything in his life that was important to him ,he then has nothing to lose.
The main characters goal is to make everyone believe he is innocent of everything pinned on him and gain the trust and love of his family back.
The ones that stand in his way however are the police the government and the the special agents .They are intent in pinning everything on top of him and driving him to extreme lengths.
The stake on him is his life,dignity and family without these three he has nothing to lose in order to keep driving him on to make sure he proves the corruption put upon him.
The location of this film opening is the suburbs of the city also he is being held and detained for a while inside an abandoned flat
The other main and distinctive character is the special agent who wants to make sure the real truth does not get out. That the innocent man will face the consequences and feel the wrath of the governments corruption enslaving the country.